issues in latin america
as a latina myself, i think it´s really important everyone gets educated in the different crisis of each country in latam, since i´ve just seen people from here talk about them.
in this carrd you´ll find informative twitter threads, petitions, donations, videos to educate yourself, other informative carrds, etc.
so if you´re here, thank you very much for caring and please read everything.
i´m going to be updating this carrd as i get more information.
before we start, were you born in latin america?
well, you are latinx!
even if you are, you may not now some issues here, which is okay! this carrd is for anyone who wants to be educated in this topic.
and remember, stay strong, these crisis aren´t going to last forever.
listen here, you ARE NOT latinx!
please do not speak over actual latinxs who try to educate you, because you are just invalidating us. here is a carrd that explains what is being latinx:
click on a country for its respective information

trigger warning: police brutality, death
there is a political and economical (hyperinflation) crisis. people are starving because there isn´t enough food or basic needs (no water, gas, light, etc). due to this, citizens started protesting for their rights which led to police brutality, violations of human rights, unlawful killings and many other. people are so tired of these conditions, that some even started to migrate to other countries nearby.

trigger warning: police brutality, rape, death
my country has been in an economic crisis since october of 2019. there was an increase in the subway passage for the fourth time in two months, and many people couldn´t afford it (in addition to this, chile´s pubic transport is the most expensive in the world). citizens started to protest not just because of that, but for many other injustices. this led our president to declare state of emergency, giving the military pemission to go out on the streets. this affected a lot of people, since chile suffered dictatorship for 17 years. there was police brutality and violations of human rights (people lost their eyes and even lifes).
i know this is already long but i must add that there is racism here too, towards mapuches (native people). also, chile is the only country in the world that its water is private.
in november 18th, chilean police shot two innocent kids of the SENAME (national service to protect the rights of teens who break the law, but in there, children are abused and even raped) but the media isn´t talking about it. chilean people started protesting again, demanding for our rights.

trigger warning: police brutality, rape, death
this country is facing deforestation (fires in paraná delta and many other provinces and the government isn´t doing anything) and an economic crisis. also, native americans are demanding their territory and different toxic sustances (insecticides) are damaging people´s health and their lands. not just that, but there´s also police brutality. cops could be murderers, rapists and torture people and they´d still get away with it. also, due to quarantine, the goverment released some prisioners which were supposed to be “non-violent”, but ended up being rapists and robbers.

trigger warning: femicides, death
femicides there are the worst, women suffer a lot because they keep getting killed non-stop. there are about 10 femicides a day and 70 a month. the health system isn´t getting the support they need and the educational system keeps on failing. also, unemployment is really bad. and if a new law called “Federal Law of Copyright” (which is going to make places that do photocopies and repair phones, etc, illegal) gets approved, it´s going to get even worse.
now, tabaso and chiapas (mexican cities) and underwater. people have to sleep in their roofs or a lot of people have to sleep in one place, which, considering we´re in the middle of a pandemic, is really bad. animals are also suferring, even dying, because they don´t have a shelter.

trigger warning: death
brazil has now more than 3 million covid-19 cases and 100 thousand deaths. these numbers could be way lower if their president, Jair Bolsonaro, had took this pandemic seriously. he says that people shouldn´t use masks and that social distancing is stupid because covid-19 is just “a little flu”.
also, black people suffer racism there too.

trigger warning: death, police brutality
since quarantine began, kids started having difficulties to study. they have to walk 10km to get good internet so they can have their classes. also, not everyone has good internet, and this causes lack of communication between families.
many people do not have enough money to buy medications or food, so they have to ask for help/donations from their families and friends. also, hospitals don´t have enough oxygen, beds, medications and bags (for the dead) for their patients.
a new crisis has begun on the 9th of november, when peruvian president Martín Vizcarra was removed from office and head of congress, Manuel Merino, took his place. this is unconstitutional and makes peruvian government illegitimate, and that´s why peruvians started protesting, which has caused police brutality (already two deaths have been confirmed).
well, i ran out of elements in this carrd :(
there are still 6 countries left, so if you want to educate yourself on them, here is part 2 of issues in latin america: